Today was Aggie's farewell party. Well we wanted everyone to have the chance today to say goodbye. Aggie is about to embark on a new adventure. She will be living with my dad and his wife. She hasn't gotten the opportunity to have a chance to know my dad. My parents got divorced (Or got seperated when Aggie was 4) They got divorced later. I remember the day I found out about it. I was very sad. I had lived with parents who were happily married or so I thought my entire life. Just when I was beginning my life as a parent, they started to split up. Matthew was only 6 months at the time. Even though I was 20 it still hurt my parents weren't going to be together. I can't even imagine the thoughts a four year old little girl could have. All this is to say she and my dad get a second chance, before its too late. If you think of her pray for this relationship. Pray for healing for them.

Lutas looks so white!
Good thoughts and prayers go to them, and you since I know you will miss her.
I have been praying for this for them. I know what it's like when your parents divorce (twice!!), and it is a hard thing at any age. God is still able to heal your former pain, too, if you have not already experienced that in this situation.
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