We also got a Childs Cowboy boot shaped chair, Pajamas, and few odds and ends. In other news Colby loves his cousin Lucas! He calls him Lutas. Today Lucas and his mom Kari were over and we had to leave to drop of the camping guys. When we got back and Colby saw that they were no longer here he said oh Lutas bye bye. Then Shane walked in and Colby said Hane Lutas bye bye. Since it was Aggies birthday this month she has gotten money and is so happy. Now she gets to go out and choose something. In the box that Aunt Dean sent Aggie's bday presents, she had some Halloweeny type gifts for the kids. Matthew got teeth, Shane a necklace, and Colby a fiberoptic flashlight. And of course she sent everyone a GLOW IN THE DARK Pez.