Today is Aggie's 17th birthday. She had half of a day at school. When she got home we watched her open all of her presents from us. Then we went to Olive Garden for a late lunch. Last night we had a birthday cake, and we suprised her at a friends house. She wasn't expecting a cake. Here are some pictures of her opening presents. She had two little helpers handing them to her. She got a black Roxy sweatshirt. A black pair of chunky shoes to go with her new outfit. The outfit was a pin stiped black shirt and pair of black pants from Express. Its a nicer outfit. Not like typical jeans, something a little dressier. She also got a new jean jacket, a jewelry box, 3 new pairs of earrings and a necklace. And last but not least a new throw, that is green, soft and fuzzy sorta like a stuffed animal. We will be having a get-together soon for Aggie. I will send everyone invitations via email when we get details ready. All of our lives were too crazy to do it this weekend.

Cool! I can't wait to see Aggie's new clothes. Happy Birthday Aggie!
Hey and she had a visit from two cool people named Hip and Trendy!!! Praying for ya'll.
lol hip and trendy... that is cute! And Aggie gets two days more off from school... now that is a birthday present... lol
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