Matches only had a hot spot, the vet sent home some anti-itch medication and some other pills. I am very glad. It still looks bad but, I just assumed it was something so much more worse. The vet also told Ted, that Matches looked great and very healthy for a 14 year old cat. He said that it isn't uncommon for a cat to live 20 years nowadays. We are hoping we have these guys around that long. I know it will be hard on all of us when we lose one of these kitties. So its already, Sunday again and we spent most of the day napping. Yesterday we emptied and then refilled the pool. We got some kind of fungus that just didn't go away. We tried several things but didn't really get any results. I think it was lack of maintenance on our part. We just have to take better care of the daily upkeep. The kids got in the pool today but, after they told me there were no warm spots, I decided I would wait. Ted is fixing boiled peanuts for Labor Day. He is also fixing the garage door lock. Now that we have the wall somewhat up, we need to make sure we can close and open the garage. We have always done this from the inside. The room is VERY VERY VERY slowly coming along. We are not using our time so wisely, but that is okay. Ted is tired after work and we have so many other commitments. To find the time to work on the garage is hard. We also need down time to spend with the kids, eat, take naps etc.

by "for tomorrow" does that mean you are coming to Mom and Dad's AND bringing the peanuts?
"boiled peanuts" tell me what these are- is it a Georgia thing?
Hey I want some peanuts too, check out my evolution opinion on my blog at blogspot. I am glad the room is coming along. I hope you get it done soon, maybe it will not be like our bathroom. We are so blessed here though, the Katrina stuff has been hard to handle. Well, I will talk to you soon.
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