So, we are back form our quick weekend, I wish it could have been longer. Only because the stresses we were escaping seem to be getting worse. I have so much to be thankful for, yet I seem to find plenty of time to wallow in the things that aren't going well at the time. 14 years ago, Ted and I could pay our rent but barely had enough money left for food. I know we didn't have it bad. I just know we have so much more now, that I take for granted all of the time. I do appreciate being able to get away with Ted this past weekend. I would have never guessed that I would be where I am today, back then. I know that Ted has been there with me through the past 14 years, and for that I am truly thankful.
Of all of the places to go for your anniversary you go to Disney World. You are funny! I am glad you guys were able to get away. It is the anniversary's that make you think of how far you have come, as I posted not too long ago I had one of those realizations too.
what cute pictures! I wonder if Lucas will go to Disney with his aunt and uncle and cousins one day or if i will be able to talk Curt into going... i guess that is a long way off though!
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