Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is our latest upload to Flickr. I usually upload a few pictures of the kids every month along with funny or unusual pictures. I sometimes upload pictures I just happen to like even if they aren't the best. We've been busy with other new internet projects, so daily pictures haven't been happening.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Google Video
I stumbled across this Horse video on Google. This horse looks like a pretty good pet.
Click here----> Patches the Horse
Click here----> Patches the Horse
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Jumping for Joy

Okay so we got another jumping thing to add to our collection. It was a pain to put together. Ted was not impressed. After how much energy he saw they used jumping on it, he thought it was a good thing. Hey one more thing to take all that energy out on. Now that I believe it is official I can share Colby's good news. We are all Potty Trained! Yeah! Colby started this on his own a little after our November Disney Trip. He has been potty training for a while (Since before he was two) but for some reason after November he did great. I wasn't very consistant since he has had his potty sitting out since he was 18 months. After Christmas he has just done well on his own. He did it by himself and he hasn't had any relapses or accidents in a month or longer. 9I know that we will probably have some of these eventually) We just started taking him out in underwear THIS WEEK instead of putting him in pullups. I bought underwear in the beginning of December but he didn't really start wearing in until the middle of December. (Me again but his pullups were always dry) I am still in shock since he got this so much quicker than his brothers. Matthew and Shane were potty trained with number 1 for a long time until they got number two. Like it took them alot longer months and months later for the second step. We are SOOO proud of him.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Trooper Tuesday
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Beach time in January

We got to enjoy the beach for a little bit this evening. The water was a little chilly but the kids had a blast anyways. These pictures were taken with our video camera. The digital camera I took out with us today is BROKEN. I'm not sure if it will work again, but its one of the ones we don't use as much. I got lots of video from today so eventually I'll make a clip for google.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Shrimp, books etc...

I cheated and posted pictures I took last night after I already put the other pictures on the blog. I was too busy today doing stuff, and I wasn't home to get any pictures. As you can see these guys really like to get in costumes and pretend. Its a pain to pick up different outfits and help them change all the time, but they enjoy it so much. Right now I'm letting them keep a mounded up pile of outfits in their room. I have no better way of keeping them easy to get to. I'm trying to come up with a solution but I don't have any good ones yet.

Friday, January 12, 2007
Where can I buy more time

Trying to figure out what to do for Matthew's upcoming birthday in between 2 Boy Scout camping trips, a week long school trip, a moms retreat, and Ted's birthday, I need to get a little more time. If I had only thought ahead last weekend we could be having a party this weekend. We have a few plans but we will have to see what pans out. We just might be celebrating with friends in March (No kidding) In the meantime the second half of the school year is in FULL swing, and I am swinging. LOL! We just have alot of things coming up and we still have schoolwork to do, in between all of it. We've managed to fit in playdates and stay at home days too, so we are doing great. Today was a stay at home day, and some friends came over to play too. Ted picked the boys up some Putty for boys yesterday. Matthew came outside and freaked out our neighbors with his putty. They thought he was sick or something. Check out our Flickr pictures to see them playing with the putty.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Say Cheese!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Billy Bob Teeth

We haven't taken the time to upload his pictures but I finally did. Here is a link to Shane's latest Pictures. Most of them are self potraits. Click here for link!
Even though I didn't take any pictures today, I will provide you with some fun links
Online Pac man game
Centipede Online
Curious George Online stuff for little kids
I'll have some pictures up tomorrow.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Snappity Snap

Friday, January 05, 2007
Cowboy Colby and Cowboy Reach
Yaaaa hoo Cowboy Sproket Just broke out of the range! We never have a dull moment around here. Today we had 6 kids running around the house playing all sorts of stuff. After it calmed down and it was just our kids, they played dress up.

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Ideas for Recycling

We took down our tree today. So its a little early for some people and late for those who take down all of their decorations on New Years Day. We had alot of candy canes from this year, that we managed to accumulate. What do you do with old candy canes? Save them for next years decorations for the tree? Recycle them? Eat them? How about give them to your cat for a special treat?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Monday, January 01, 2007
Disco Fever
This morning I found big clumps of BROWN hair in the bathroom trash can. Someone gave them self a haircut this morning. At first I thought it might be Sawyer hair but there was too much. Then I found a spiky part on the back of Shane's head. Luckily you can't see his haircut you can just feel it.Shane somehow has picked up some kind of Dance Addiction. He is constantly moving, dancing and wiggling. Every times he hears any type of music or beat going on he turns into a dancing freak. Last night we went over to a friends house and he had a blast dancing to music. They have a BIG disco ball and it was hilarious to watch them all dancing. Matthew got the same disco ball for Christmas but his is much smaller. They got the disco ball and the black light out tonight and had a mini dance party, until laughing at each other with the black light won out.

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