Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
say What?
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuppence a bag

Today we enjoyed the breezy nice bug free weather and fed the birds. We went to feed the ducks and geese but the seagulls (Ted calls them "Beach Chickens") were too fast and got most of our bread. You know they are the same birds that yell out MINE MINE and Mine from the movie Finding Nemo.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

NO..... We ddn't get a hamster. That is the kids new friend. Our friends brought Hunter the Hamster over to visit today and we fell in love with him. Even Ted thought he was pretty cool. He has a unique hairdo and he is COOL! Sawyer got to sniff him and Smokey watched him groom himself. Everyone got their chance to visit with Hunter. I hope he comes to visit again, even though Shane, and Colby put him in a Playmobil Police Van. Don't worry he escaped through the window and I think Matthew rescued him from the little kids. Speaking of friends, Ted got a new Tshirt that he loves today! Thank you! You got him the Perfect Tshirt!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
View from the window

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I finally got a new phone, well I got it Christmas Eve, for those of you who have been calling me, and dealing with my microphone cutting out on you sorry. Ted got this for me and said Merry Christmas. Now he is trying to get Tmobile to give him the unlock code so he can replace his Treo. My old Blackberry was never used to its full potential so hopefully I can use this new phone like its supposed to be used. On the my old phone I never used the contact stuff or even hooked it up to the computer. With my new phone I've already taken some pictures and surfed the internet, so thats at least a start. No if I can only figure out ...
Wishing you a Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Moore Elves
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Here is the one picture I caught tonight. Its of Ted and Matthew. He is teaching him how to make a Networking cable. For a little bit tonight Ted was trying to get all of that computer stuff straight. Thats a good thing, especially since he went to work with him this week. (He goes to work with him from time to time when homework permits, or when they need extra help)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Only Old Pictures

By default I am posting old pictures. In the Roller Coaster pics the people in black shirts behind Matthew are friends, that you might have seen in our Photopass pictures that I posted earlier this week. I didn't get any pictures today. I spent a good bit of my day picking up those last minute Christmas things. I think I am just about done. We did pretty good earlier this year so we haven't had to do much crazy shopping in crowds stuff.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Shepard Boy

Yesterday Shane sang along with other kids in his 4 and 5 year old class at church. The older elementary kids sang also and had some puppet skits. He had a great time singing. Hopefully I can get a small clip up on the web of him singing. Mattthew got a small snip of him singing. When he filmed it was really shaky and he missed getting Shane and got the wall and mikes in some spots. I'll just have to work with what we got. That is when I get a chance. We haven't even gotten our tree up yet, and I'm a day after Thanksgiving Tree person. This year it just didn't happen. I just hung our wreath outside a few minutes ago.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Cake Colby's favorite

All Colby wanted for his birthday was a cake. So he had no problem eating another piece of birthday cake today. He and Shane got to help a friend celebrate a birthday today.
Click here for latest Photo Pass (Please scroll down to 50)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Blue Tongue

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Making Memories

Every night we have been putting up Ornaments on our tree from a set that we got for a present awhile back. They are called Adornaments. This is the second year in a row that we have been doing this. latley I've been trying to think of different memories I've had growing up. Things my family did to celebrate Christmas. I'd like to hear what you did as a child or what you are doing now that you are older. Thats my mom holding my sister. I'm the one who is standing. The picture isn't from around Christmas, its from around Easter.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Ahhh Haircuts

The kids finally got a chance to get their hair cut.
Check out a video of their cousin Lucas chasing Matches around. Its not the best quality. When I get a chance I'm probably going to re-edit it since its choppy.
CLICK HERE for the Video
Monday, December 04, 2006
With Christmas time comes ....
My favorite Rankin-Bass Christmas shows.

P.S. Aunt Margie commented correctly on the puzzle
Check out the video clips on the Stickam. Look for the Video Camera Icon on the scrolling bar

P.S. Aunt Margie commented correctly on the puzzle
Check out the video clips on the Stickam. Look for the Video Camera Icon on the scrolling bar
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Puzzle for you
Saturday, December 02, 2006
December is Here

Friday, December 01, 2006

If you don't notice two new boxes off to the left refresh your page. One should be a little box where you can view us LIVE! The other box is a text box where you can IM us LIVE! How exciting. If you do IM us or view our webcam try and make us know who you are by telling us in your first message or changing your name to something we would recognize, so we won't block you from viewing. If you do happen to get blocked just email us and we will fix it. This is just a trial. We won't be online at all times either. Sometimes you may be viewing an empty room or outside.
Google Clips Nov 06
Well Google is now finished processing the videos. Boy that took longer than I expected. The links are below. If you prefer watching Youtube (One is too big to load on Youtube) See yesterday's post. Click descriptions below.
Kids playing at home
Colby and his birthday cake
Kids playing at home
Colby and his birthday cake
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Rainy Days

I got some videos processing on Google. For now you can view one on YouTube.
To see the video click here
Happy 3rd

Our little boy is now a big 3! He is no longer a little baby. We don't know what our life would be like without him. We all love him so much. We gave Colby his presents early this morning so he could have time to play with them. It remeinded me that I never got around to getting Shane's birthday present his camera fixed. It ended up being a cheapie. We had an old camera no one uses anymore so I put batteries in it and let Shane take whatever he wanted. I posted them on Yahoo. I will post a link below. I deleted one unflattering picture of Ted and I. My double chins were showing too much. I didn't want to scare you.
Click here for Shanes Pictures
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Christmas Street
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Snip of our day
I got some of the decorations out today. Or I should say Matthew got the decorations down from the attic, while I stood on the ladder and directed him on which box to rifle through.
Click here for more pictures from Shane I think he let his friends use the camera too during Colby's birthday party.

Shane cutting out Alphabet Ornaments

Our fireplace decorated
Click here for more pictures from Shane I think he let his friends use the camera too during Colby's birthday party.

Monday, November 27, 2006
"To build ...
may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day." Winston Churchill
I think I may need to remember that one!

Here is what the kids built with their kapla blocks. All had a good time even Ted. We are still missing our buddy Matches. Smokey knows he isn't here. He is still looking for him. Its going to take awhile to get used to.
I think I may need to remember that one!

Here is what the kids built with their kapla blocks. All had a good time even Ted. We are still missing our buddy Matches. Smokey knows he isn't here. He is still looking for him. Its going to take awhile to get used to.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hello 3 Goodbye 15

Today we celebrated Colby's third birthday with our friends. We had a big pot of Chili, Nachos and snacks. We had out the Bounce House and sports stuff. They all had a good time. I was sort of out of it, because Ted wasn't here for a good part of the day. He is the more hospitable one and I didn't remember lot of things he would have. The past few days Matches had been acting a little wierd. By last night he was definalty sick. Ted took him to the vet the earliest opening they had. They recommended that he take Matches to the Animal Hospital for an overnight stay, and then follow up in the morning. When Ted got to the Animal Hospital and they reviewed his test results, they told Ted that he was really sick. His kidneys were failing him. If we rehydrated him it would just be days before he was really sick again. They were very nice about it and helped us with our descions. Tonight was Matches last night with us. Its is so hard to believe that Smokey's brother is gone. This is really tough and thanks everyone, who came to the party and were here with us today.

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Some Moore Sushi

I've been a little busy today and I didn't get any pictures. I hope I will get some tomorrow. These are from Friday when we took Colby out for Sushi. Thats what he wanted for his Birthday dinner. The owner recognized him, from the visit he and Ted made recently. She brought us a special dessert when she found out it was his birthday.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Lots to be thankful for

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Eve
Here is a Thanksgiving card I made online just for the blog. When you watch this, think of me singing this song to the kids. Thats the kind of stuff we do to the kids and the cats all the time. Everytime Ted or I start singing to Matches he runs away. I wonder why. CLICK HERE FOR THE CARD Click the lines below for different activities listed. Its just some Christmas stuff to get you started.
Make an Online Gingerbread House
Make an Advent Calendar
Make an Online Gingerbread House
Make an Advent Calendar

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
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