Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lots to be thankful for

Shane and friendsOur family is very blessed. We have alot to be thankful for. I have too many things so I won't list them here because I try to keep these posts short. Colby and I spent Thanksgiving at home and with our extended family. I got a few stuffing our faces with food pictures, but none good enough to post. I will spare my family since they weren't as nice as last years pictures. Colby spent most of the day hanging out with his Grandpa and getting into his stuff in his garage (His garage is his hangout place). Ted, Matthew and Shane spent Thanksgiving with some friends and their family. They were borrowing him for some wiring help.

Matthew and Shane in the crowd


K A R I™ said...

neat pictures! Can you email me the eating pictures of us though... I just would like to see them if you get a chance.

Margie said...

Well, the first Great Grand Dauguhter is on her way for the Moore side. Kristen found out Wednesday they are expecting a girl.