Our little boy is now a big 3! He is no longer a little baby. We don't know what our life would be like without him. We all love him so much. We gave Colby his presents early this morning so he could have time to play with them. It remeinded me that I never got around to getting Shane's birthday present his camera fixed. It ended up being a cheapie. We had an old camera no one uses anymore so I put batteries in it and let Shane take whatever he wanted. I posted them on Yahoo. I will post a link below. I deleted one unflattering picture of Ted and I. My double chins were showing too much. I didn't want to scare you.
Click here for Shanes Pictures
What a cute baby he was when he was born! And still is!!!
We can't wait to celebrate his birthday tomorrow.
I can hardly believe he's already 3! Looking forward to the party tomorrow & seeing you guys.
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