Yesterday we had a busy day, and today was pretty much the same. I got to hear an awesome speaker Tim Echols last night. He was very inspiring. It is always great to hear a good speaker. I think what hit me most was just how we can impact the future through our kids. Ted also came to hear him speak and we even went to dinner with alot of our friends afterwards. I didn't get to update yesterday because we were gone. Today was busy also. We had class and they made a soup. It was a fish base, with Mussels, Scallops, Shrimp, Crab and a few other things. Shane played with his friends while Matthew and his classmates made the soup. I take both Colby and Shane along, but today Ted kept Colby. They took a little break from the day and ate out at a Sushi resturant. See video below. (Video was shot with Ted's camera phone so it isn't the greatest quality)
Click here for the video of Colby

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