Tuesday, January 31, 2006
To see more pictures of Shane and Colby this weekend CLICK HERE----> Shane and Colby playing with Jessica.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy 13th

Four Things
Four things
I saw this on another blog and thought I'd get everyone who reads this to post something similar on their blog if they have time on their hands.
Four jobs I've had:
1. SAH Homeschool Mom
2. Child Care
(UGH the worst, I know now only to keep my own kids)
3. Burger King Morning Shift
4. Short Stop Night Manager
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Urban Cowboy
2. Groundhog Day
3. Toy Story 2
4. Back to the Future Part 3
Four places I've lived:
1. El Paso, Texas
2. Anthony, Texas
3. Cincinnati, Ohio
4. Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Four TV shows I love:
1. Survivor
2. Cold Case
3. Moving Up
4. Property Ladder
Four Places I check out
1. Chromasia
2. Photo-a-day
3. Creative Coast
4. Disney Signs
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Disney World
2. Helen, Georgia
3. Atlanta, Georgia
4. Bahamas
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Green Enchiladas
2. Grilled Salmon
3. Bisquits and Gravy
4. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
Four sites I visit daily:
1. www.google.com
2. http://tednlisam.blogspot.com
3. www.bankofamerica.com (Well Ted checks daily)
4. Set as my Home Page
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Taking a Nap
2. Disney World
3. In a clean HOUSE
4. Back Here
I saw this on another blog and thought I'd get everyone who reads this to post something similar on their blog if they have time on their hands.
Four jobs I've had:
1. SAH Homeschool Mom
2. Child Care
(UGH the worst, I know now only to keep my own kids)
3. Burger King Morning Shift
4. Short Stop Night Manager
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Urban Cowboy
2. Groundhog Day
3. Toy Story 2
4. Back to the Future Part 3
Four places I've lived:
1. El Paso, Texas
2. Anthony, Texas
3. Cincinnati, Ohio
4. Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Four TV shows I love:
1. Survivor
2. Cold Case
3. Moving Up
4. Property Ladder
Four Places I check out
1. Chromasia
2. Photo-a-day
3. Creative Coast
4. Disney Signs
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Disney World
2. Helen, Georgia
3. Atlanta, Georgia
4. Bahamas
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Green Enchiladas
2. Grilled Salmon
3. Bisquits and Gravy
4. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
Four sites I visit daily:
1. www.google.com
2. http://tednlisam.blogspot.com
3. www.bankofamerica.com (Well Ted checks daily)
4. Set as my Home Page
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Taking a Nap
2. Disney World
3. In a clean HOUSE
4. Back Here
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Getting Ready

Ted and Matthew are getting ready for their big Annual Father Son Freeze out. And Freeze out is what they will be doing. I think this weekend here it is supposed to get down to 29 or something and they will be several hours away in the mountains FREEZING their behinds off. This will be the first Birthday that I don't get to spend with Matthew. I guess I am a little sad about that, but they can't miss the big camp out. We've been wanting to go to Disney and this weekend would have been great. Ted hinted at skipping the camping but he loves it too so he opted for camping. (Matthew would love going to Disney for a Birthday Celebration) Ted has been so busy and he is going to get even busier so we might not make it there until late spring.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here is a rare picture where both Shane and Colby are actually paying attention to a story Matthew was reading. Colby just hasn't really gotten in the habit of sitting still for stories. Aggie while she was here read to them alot. I miss that. I think today is somebody in my families birthday but I am having a hard time of remembering who. Maybe some clues (If you even read the blog) I finally posted to my Thrifty Lisa blog (Kari I know you would want to know)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Happy Birthday Vanita
Today is my friend Vanita's birthday. When Matthew was very little he loved to go to Vanita's house and play. She is the most easy going person I know. I am very thankful for her and her family. They have been such a blessing to us. I don't think she can ever know how much we love their family. We haven't gotten the chance to get together as often as I would have hoped recently. She has 5 kids and some of them are in school and they have lots of activities. Her little boy Ian was diagnosed with Cancer last April or late March. He is now in a study and still doing treatment. You can find a webpage about Ian Hensel in our Keeping in our Prayers section. If you know them you can go to their website and post a Happy Birthday message top Vanita.
Ps: Another friend Bernie Cernone goes for his first Chemo treatment tomorrow. Please keep both of these guys in your prayers if they already aren't.
Ps: Another friend Bernie Cernone goes for his first Chemo treatment tomorrow. Please keep both of these guys in your prayers if they already aren't.
Moore 4ever 2go
Our good friends recently went to Walt Disney World. The husband ran in the Marathon they had the first week of January. While they were there they took a picture of the Leave a Legacy tile we purchased for our 14 year anniversary back during our alone trip in September. They messed up, we were supposed to have two tiles, one with our picture and another with our anniversay mentioned on it. We called Disney Leave a Legacy today and they are supposed to fix it and we will recieve notice in 8 weeks. As for pictures, I took alot of the kids today goofing off with their dad and I should be posting them next week.

to be continued....

to be continued....
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Friday, January 20, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Standing on Head
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Sorry Dad ~15th~ and Cheryl ~14th~
Happy Belated Birthdays
Here are some things to think about.
At the age of 59.... Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe
At the age of 39.... Bing Crosy records "White Christmas" the biggest selling record ever
(I hope I got 39 right)
Happy Belated Birthdays
Here are some things to think about.
At the age of 59.... Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe
At the age of 39.... Bing Crosy records "White Christmas" the biggest selling record ever
(I hope I got 39 right)
Another day

Hi everyone. I hope your week is going well. Ours is flying by. We've had alot to do. Ted's been working later and thats when the little guys seem to get their second wind, when I'm ready to settle down. I went to the library today and turned in all of our REALLY overdue books and videos. I had to stop at the Goodwill of course and I found the castle Shane is playing with and the book Matthew is reading. Matthew was excited to find out Birnbaum's is looking for kids who are Disney experts to work on future editions of their books. It won't hurt for him to try and check it out. I think the amount of people they were looking for might be already fufilled but they are always putting out new editions of those books. Tonight is my monthly homeschool meeting. I also just got done making everyone's membership cards for 2006, amongst other things thats why my posts have been short.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Moore Boxes

Here we are again with more boxes. Ted brought these back home empty for the kids to have ANOTHER box house. I've been busy with other things so I haven't gotten a chance to update with a longer post.
PS I'm going to only keep two weeks on the front page until further notice so you might need to check the Archives so you won't miss anything.
Matthew is updating his newly created blog. He might not get to it as often as I do, but he's taken pictures with his own camera, and he is typing out a post as I type this. It will probably be up around 10:30 pm tonight or so. You can find his link in the Moore Places section.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Bisque is Yummy
Today I got to go out to a nice lunch with my friend Stacy to Soho Cafe downtown. It was really nice. Thanks Stacy for getting me the most expensive thing on the menu! It was a delicious Grilled Salmon BLT! YUM! I also got their Tomato Basil Bisque which was AWESOME! I would love to get the recipe and make it at home. The cafe is in this old wharehouse and they have local art hanging everywhere that you can buy. I don't get to spend much time exploring downtown that often so this was a real treat.
I didn't get to take any pictures today so these are from yesterday when Lucas and his mom Kari came to visit. You can see more pictures from their visit HERE

I didn't get to take any pictures today so these are from yesterday when Lucas and his mom Kari came to visit. You can see more pictures from their visit HERE

Friday, January 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Play on words
So what does Moore Adventures in our Odyssey mean? Why did we pick this for our blog title? Well most of you know our last name is Moore and we drive a Honda Odyssey. That is one reason. The other reason is this awesome radio program called "Adventures in Odyssey" It is produced by Focus on the Family a great family resource. Matthew has been listening to Odyssey since he was 3 or 4 thanks to some great friends of ours. Now Shane begs to listen to episodes all the time. Anyways here are some links to these programs. You can listen to these programs online.
Whit's End (Adventures in Odyssey site)
Listen to Adventures in Odyssey Here
Focus on the Family
Listen to Focus on the family online Here
Whit's End (Adventures in Odyssey site)
Listen to Adventures in Odyssey Here
Focus on the Family
Listen to Focus on the family online Here
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

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