I meant to have some old baby pictures of Matthew for this post, but for some reason my scanner has gone bonkers. Maybe sometime next week after Ted looks at the scanner I can post some old ones. (Unless everyone is getting sick of those) These pictures are from Matthew's small slumber party last weekend. He and Ted are camping with all of these boys plus a whole bunch more from their troop. I hope Matthew had a good birthday today, even though most of it was spent traveling to the mountains. I remember
the day Matthew was born being so scared to be a new mom. Ted got layed off from his job either the day he was born or a few days after. (Which ended up being so nice because he was home for a month with new baby Matthew and I) A few days later I found out that I had to leave Matthew in the hospital for three days without me. That was one of the hardest things in my entire life. Leaving my new baby there without me. My water had broken at the least 26 to 29 hours before Matthew was born. So they were afraid he might have some kind of infection. I had to have someone drive me to the hospital to nurse Matthew. (I didn't even drive back then) Luckily my mom was in town because she,
Valeri and Dan (Ted's parents) helped with all of this. I got smarter with Matthews brothers and had a different peditrican that let me take them home even though they had infections. (Thank goodness) Things have certainly changed from 1993. I never knew thirteen years ago that I would be a mom to a great son, and get to watch him growing up into a great big brother and a caring person. I feel very blessed to have Matthew in my life. I have taken motherhood and him for granted sometimes. Matthew was who made me a mom and I love him so much even though I'm not so great at showing it sometimes.
Lisa you are such a #1 mom!
I think that post was so great. How sweet of you to say those nice things. Your boys have a great mom. I just want you to know I think you do a great job! You are passing the mom test with flying colors!You and ted are both great parents and are loved very much!
That was so nice. Happy Birthday Matthew, you are an awesome kid and I can't wait to see what is in store for you during these teenage years.
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