Today I ran around doing errands and then came home and swam with everyone until late afternoon. We got good news that Aggie has passed her classes and that she will be in 12th grade next year. Today Matthew and I were thinking of Aggie and missing her, like we do somedays. Today it was because Matthew had his Piano recital and Aggie would have had one too if she were still here. She and my dad are getting to rebuild their relationship and she has friends where she is at now and I am happy for her. I have video from the video camera of Matthew's real Piano preformance but it isn't as easy to load or edit as the video from the digital camera. I am adding to YouTube a short clip of Matthew playing a bit of "Disney" after the recital was over that I caught with the digital camera. I will probably do a bunch of editing video after Shane's birthday and when things settle down. Tomorrow is the homeschool groups big Used Book fair, Sunday is Shane's party after church, and the end of next week is pretty full. I know I will get the video up I just don't know when.
Click here to view the Piano clip
Matthew's duet with Mrs. Cindy
1 comment:
I hope Shane had a great birthday! Can't wait to see pictures
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