Here are a few pictures from the cruise.
I WILL BE POSTING MORE CRUISE PICTURES TOMORROW along with our normal blog post. The one of Ted with the video camera is in Key West. The guy for the tour he took told him the water is usually blue. With all the hurricanes and tropical storms they've had recently, the water isn't so blue. The storms turned up muck and stuff.

All the other pictures are from the Bahamas area. The water was blue there. You know we could care less where the boat stops, for us its all about the food we don't have to cook and all the cleaning we don't have to do. It was a nice relaxing time for all of us. I've been cleaning, doing laundry, catching up on schoolwork and all sorts of stuff since we have been back.

I'll try to do better with my picture emails and posting on here. For now this will have to do. Click on all pictures to see a bigger version. Hope everyone is enjoying this time of year. Its hard not to get excited here with these boys who keep seeing all the Christmas decorations everywhere. If it would only snow here for just a few days, that would be so nice.