Here is Shane and the rest of his YMCA Soccer Team with their trophys. They all had a pretty good season. You know it being the first year for most of them. Shane still has to learn the basics, but hey he is only 4 years old. He still has plenty of time to learn all about soccer.

Here are the boys enjoying cupcakes that Shane's coaches made to celebrate today.
It was the end of their soccer season today. Today was also the first day that gnats were out all season. Ugh, we all weren't too happy to see them.

They even gave Colby a cupcake too. He looks like he hasn't eaten breakfast. Which he had (A bowl of Cheerios with milk) I had to change his shirt after this treat.

great pictures
How fun. Maybe Jessica can try soccer next year. T-ball was so "traumatic" we aren't trying a new sport until she says she wants to play it.
I bet it was so cute to watch all of those 3 and 4 year olds running around the field not sure what to do. I sure wish we lived closer.
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