Even though Matthew likes piano and its not a big deal to drive him (Since its 5 mins. away), it was nice not to have to go out today. Here is Shane his FIRST time helping with Laundry. I asked him to seperate the socks into pairs. Next Matthew helped Shane set up his Toy Story Memory game. Then there is Colby napping. He has Buzz Lightyear with him. (He's been going everywhere with Colby) He is happiest napping latley because his molars are still coming in. I gave him tylenol after his nap so I hope that makes a difference.

You have to teach me how to get Lucas to play the chore games :) Is he too young to feed the dog? Cause we keep forgetting... oh I guess he already does.. Jadie is always sneaking in licks.
Ean helps feed the animals now that he isn't always trying to eat the food. Also, he is pretty good at taking inventory on every single toy he owns everyday, although I don't think that is much help to me.
Start 'em early--good idea!
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