We had the awesome pleasure of celebrating another Eagle Scout Court of Honor this evening. He was the 7th to recieve the prestigious Eagle Rank, from our Scout Troop that was started
10 years ago.
Scout Statistics
Of any 100 boys who become Scouts, 30 will drop out in their first year. Some may regard this as a failure, but in later life all of them will remember they had been Scouts and will speak well of the Scouting program.
Of the 100 boys, rarely will one ever appear before a juvenile court judge. Twelve of the 100 will be from families that belong to no church. Through Scouting, these 12 and many of their families will be brought into contact with a church and will continue to be active all their lives. Six of the 100 will become pastors.
Each of the 100 will learn something from Scouting. Almost all will develop hobbies that will add interest throughout their lives. Approximately one half will serve in the military and in varying degrees profit from their Scouting training. At least one will use Scouting skills to save another person's life, and many will credit it with saving their own.
Only one in four boys in America will become Scouts, but it is interesting to know that of the
leaders of this nation in business, religion, military service and politics, three out of four were scouts.
Many will find their future vocation through merit badge work and Scouting contacts. Seventeen of the 100 will later become Scout leaders and will give leadership to thousands of additional boys.
Only two of the 100 will reach the rank of Eagle Scout and at least one will later say that he values his Eagle badge above his college degree. (
We heard this stated from on Eagle Scout tonight)
Scoutings alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nationwide survey of high schools revealed the following information:
85% of student council presidents were scouts.
89% of senior class presidents were scouts.
80% of junior class presidents were scouts.
75% of school publication editors were scouts.
71% of football captains were scouts.
Scouts also account for:
64% of Air Force Academy graduates.
68% of West Point graduates.
70% of Annapolis graduates.
72% of Rhodes scholars.
85% of FBI agents.
26 of the first 29 Astronauts.
11 of the 12 who walked on the moon were Scouts.
108 of 172 astronauts were Boy Scouts.
Over half of the 108 Scout Astronauts attained Star, Life or Eagle ranks
Our Scout troop 47 has had 7 Eagle scouts since its start 10 years ago. I think that in itself is very impressive.