Today was Matthew's last Spring Tennis lesson. New lessons start in two weeks but I think we will wait until the fall to start back. It was like 95 degrees and the hottest part of the day. It was soooo hot, I just think he will enjoy Tennis more in the fall when its a few degrees cooler. Today instead of the medal he got last time he played tennis, the kids won prizes according to where they hit the ball. He won the first prize. He was so happy. I was happy for him too, and I got to hear everyone cheering for him. He traded a plain blue ball cap for the sparkly silver one just to get the sunglasses he was wearing (they came with the hat) They are those mirror type where you can see behind you. He liked that so he traded. He also said I could put the pinwheels in the backyard to twirl around in the flower pots. This is the last week I force you to look at the Geese family we've been following each Tuesday. Shane loves to chase the geese and I caught a good one this week of one trying to get away from him.

What a fun picture of Matthew and a neat idea to put the pinwheels outside in plants
very cute, Ean likes to look at the duck pictures when we "see Colby"
You take the coolest pictures. Love the geese.
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