Here is a picture of us with the flowers the boys picked out for me. Their dad took them out to pick out some flowers. When they left the house Ted said Shane wanted to get me a new car. Boy sometimes he is so funny. At least he was thinking of something. A month ago I thought I wanted to re-cedar chip the flower beds. I changed my mind and tried to come up with a cheap easy thing. I told Ted just to pick up a flower that I could enjoy looking at while I was outside watching them play. So they came back with a flower for outside (It is purple petunia's) I didn't take a picture of that since it needs to be put in a planter. They also got me the Hibiscus plant we are all standing behind, and the mixed flowers hanging basket that is hanging above us. I couldn't ask for better. I just hope I don't kill the flowers. About two years ago I got a rose bush for Mother's day. It had new buds on it that opened today, just in time for Mothers Day. I hope that the Hibiscus flowers do as well at the roses have. I think I am all better with my short lived bug. Ted, Shane Colby and Matthew used the bathroom lots yesterday. Colby also looked weird and his face was pink for part of the day. Our friends did come over to watch Survivor with us. They had a similiar bug a few weeks ago, and said they would take their chances. They were also around Shane twice last week right before he got sick.
I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day!
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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