Sometimes I wish I could video tape Shane playing with his toys like I did that one day. Matthew helped me set up his old Monsters Inc. Factory and for most of the day Shane was doing his voices again and playing. He has such a wild imagination, its just fun listening to him create stories and play.

It's so much fun to pick up toys, isn't it?
Hmm I don't know if Lucas should hang out with his cousins... tattoos?!? I don't know if I want him around that sort of thing :)
oh and you just gave me a good idea for a father's day present... now I just have to look around for a fake dragon & bird tattoo... glasses and a baby sized flat sheet ha ha
First of all I am so jealous the boys are wearing tank tops and shorts.
Second, our toys brigade has gotten soooo bad, we don't stay on it like you do though.
Those are all true "Moore" boys with their tatoos. HA!!!
makes me tired- such talented and busy boys! Love Grandmom
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